The Percy Program

It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.

3 years ago

Settlement Executive Order 45 (9 NYCRR 3.45) Docket 103 17-2273, Appendix 2, Volume 4, pages 823, 851 and 860

  • Text
  • Certified
  • Lasker
  • Contractor
  • Regulations
  • Contracts
  • Minority
  • Fleisher
  • Assisted
  • Affirmative
  • Subcontractor
  • Settlement
  • Nycrr
  • Docket
  • Appendix
  • Volume

1977-02-01; A Fleisher

1977-02-01; A Fleisher to Hon Lasker- Proposed Reg State and State Assisted Construction Contracts - certified 2017-08-09-1 doc 1 {x) r.osting of ti>'Tely notices of all job openings listing qUalifications and job duties~ (B) 1:'1e steps listed in tllis subdivision are illustrative only and are not intended to limit affirmative action techniques t-hat may be necessary to rrodify or expand current r:olicies and practices, The contractor shall also elirninate any practices which are identified as cliscrirninatory. (C) Good faith efforts to implement L~ese affirrrati ve action steps shall be evaluated during the- perfommce of t,>:e contract with reference to the progress made to overcorre a..'1y UI1derutilization identified. 3. I'm ere no underutilizabon appears as a result of the analysis undertaken pursuant to subdivision 1 of this paragraph, t.'J.e (sub) contractor agrees to r:aintain at least it.s cuaent level of utilization of minority persons ~~d warren in its workforce. 4. Ge..11eral. (A) Tne affirrnc'ltion action program shall specify the unions or other ernployee Or-ployment opportunity and affirmative action policies. 5. (A) Every contractor and State-assisted applicant awarded a contract for other than construction, in excess of 0,000, shall, w'here practical, utilize mino.ri ty and female businesses in the perfo.rmance of the contract and in materials-supply contracts. (B) . E-llery such contractor and applicant shall notify the contracting agency that it has solicited at least those qualified rrinority enterprises listE.>d by the State Department of Corrurerce, Office of Jv';inority Business Enterprise, and by the local Regional office - 4 - 0846

1977-02-01; A Fleisher to Hon Lasker- Proposed Reg State and State Assisted Construction Contracts - certified 2017-08-09-1 doc 1 of the United States Sm.>-11 Business Adm.inistration and shall report, in such form as required by t.'1e OSCC, the results of such efforts." (c) If the contractor or s:.:ibcontractor is subject to

Alternative Employment Practice Percy Program