It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415 motion granted Case allowing 17-2273, action Document to be maintained 71, 11/22/2017, as a 2179151, class action Page71 - of 215 certified 2017-07-24 doc 1 1527 (2d Cir. October 11, 1974) v. Doard of Education, 373 U.S. 6G8 (1963). As the Eisen inadequate ... or where it is certainly or probably r~~2d z~t 569., futile." 421/ The case at hand supports this position dictated an adverse outcome. Here the administrative rerneCt;{ (locs not e\ren exi~:;t: as t.r) tl1e sut~j::~c:·t: n1a.tte.1:· in lack standing to seek relief for the class they represent because the claim of discrimination alleged here is not properly directed against them, but iather is, or should be, lodged against th
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415 motion granted Case allowing 17-2273, action Document to be maintained 71, 11/22/2017, as a 2179151, class action Page72 - of 215 certified 2017-07-24 doc 1 lfrrl-112 i.rlt:;_}-;.i.] ity ()~f tlle r;1oi.~:tiffs and the class represent to oL- ->cain. E-::::m.ploJ.,.rn,:?n.t c:::i~ t::co:~l.n.l:ng j_;:; tJ·~e direct result of employment pract. i CZ.:-': ;:~ ():f C C) I-~::. t Y'. c: t: i ()J1 j_l·~- -d.:._·:::~ t r·~::~- 11.n i_c,_n s a.n.d ... yc,:c}~ t..--: j_ ty a.Yc:~.?:~. \/11 i.c:J-:1 c1.l.z~, c:cirnin,~ ·::~ c age: i11st JJlacJ-:.:. a.n.(~_ Sp~:-~n ·j_ s}:l··· s u.rndJ-:Jcd frE:rs•.)rls. ~) ( '11 24) against minority persons in no way precludes the 2xist~nce othc:r.s, To establish standing a party must allege a personal stake in the outcome of the ~ont~oversv a~ to presen~~tion of issues nron which the court so larg2 construction workers who allegedly c:.nd ' ' cc.::nL~.nue to be denied en~loyment in the New York construction industry, the individual plaintiffs have initially demonstrated "a personal stake". The existence of standing depends first on "whe·ther the plai ntif:f alleges ·that. the chc:t1.lenged a.ction has caused him injury in fac·t, economic or", As soc ia.t.ion 397 t.J .. S~ 13, 0654