The Percy Program

It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.

4 years ago

Docket #99 page 640, US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals appeal No. 17-2273, the Class certified in Percy v. Brennan, Federal District Court SDNY Case 73-cv-04279, reported at 384 F. Supp 800,

  • Text
  • Certified
  • Memorandum
  • Allowing
  • Maintained
  • Plaintiffs
  • Defendants
  • Employment
  • Requirements
  • Brennan
  • Trades
  • Docket
  • Circuit
  • Appeals
  • Percy
  • Sdny
  • Reported
  • Supp

1974-11-08; Filed

1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415 motion granted Case allowing 17-2273, action Document to be maintained 71, 11/22/2017, as a 2179151, class action Page87 - of 215 certified 2017-07-24 doc 1 Memorandum ~nd the JunQ 29, lS73 State letter. Ir1 t.}-f':3 quirements of the Ad~inistrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. and the federal defendants in this case are accord ly all enjoined from enforcing the Erc2:na:l1 lielr:e>:candum or~/ teder·- ally-assisted construction projecls. Plaintiffs next argue t~2t the State letter is invalid because it was not pubJi~hed as required by Art- :lcle 4 1 §8, New York Consi:i tution, and New York Exec:·:t.ive Law §102. Article 4, §8 of the Stat0 Constitution (McKinney 1969) provides: 28. 0669

1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415 motion granted Case allowing 17-2273, action Document to be maintained 71, 11/22/2017, as a 2179151, class action Page88 - of 215 certified 2017-07-24 doc 1 "No ()X" -; . Y (~ ~jU .. !. Ci ·c l. C; ~ 1 bv any state department, beard, b~reau, officer, authority or cornmission; except such as relates to tl-~(: crgar·t:1.:/,~~t.i{).l-J o:c :i.nter.rJ,·-~.1. rr~~~.:rla~~;f~-­ ment of a sta~e dc0artment, beard, }:_; lJ.:C (::: ?:l U 1 2 1 1 t: h.f)l~ .i 1·::;( C~ y· C()ll't:Ci i 'i. ;:_; i ()D. :: shall be effective until jt is filed T~e legislature shall pro- \;j_d_e _fc;r L-.-~-2 specc.r.~'/ :tc ...:.~:.:.ic;!·;. c)f s tlc.ll ru.J. ~~ ~:; .?::_xJ,:J_ X.'(::·-~-l11 {:t t .. i.0~1E- l })y a.pp:copr:i2tc lt:·f~4S (· n ' (McKinney 1972) which provi.des for J.ic;z;_t.:L(_;r.~. of Ei~LI been interpreted by tho New York Court of Appeals in v. Cull 10 N.Y.2J '~3, 218 N.Y.S.2d 38, 176 N.~. 2d 495 (1961) , in which "The term 'rule or regulation,' has not, it is true, been the subject of r)rec .i se d:..:: f j_]-;. it i ();·: ' J:>tl t: ·t.J:l:::~ s:c c;c.1rl }.)8 I.i t t.le: donb-: that, as emp1.oyc·d 1 n t.he cor1s t.i. t11 .. i:j_c~na1 l)Y"C"~V is ic~n, it_---_, E:rtJ.l:Jx·aces any kind of legislative or quasilegislative norm or procedure which establishes a pattern or course of conduct for the future. The label or na.rae err~r:.>l(Jj.recl is 11

Alternative Employment Practice Percy Program