It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415 motion granted Case allowing 17-2273, action Document to be maintained 71, 11/22/2017, as a 2179151, class action Page65 - of 215 certified 2017-07-24 doc 1 associations (the Building Trades lcye£s Association a Tld ·tl1 e C~er1.e :c a_l C o.n.t:r~ a.c:t ors 1\~~ ~:(::··-:; i . .:~ t:. :i c;n) ~ 1 1 h-t~ lJc~-: .....r ~los~}~· Plan became effective after approval resp2ctively by the Mayor (Executive Order t3l), ths Governor (Executive Order 143) and, in August 1971, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance. The Plan has been extended from tins to time and is presently scheduled to expire at the end of December, 1974. be set: at. 800 maximum." (Plan, }\:ct.ic1e IV, of §2) were established on a craft-to-craft basis. and qualified gradua~?s of the 2~ogram W~£e t~ be reco~nended to tY1e approJ~l-:iate UJ1ic)11 ~ 1 f():c C()!Jsidf.:.·cat:.ic:n fc~L~ n~eJnb(:?:cshi_p .. :': (Plan, Article II, §2). The Plan expired by its terms on July 1, 1972, but, as indica·ted aLready, it has been extended from tin;e to time. The extended plan diffe;:s f:r:mn the original in providing for the training of 1,000 rather than 800 2/ minority workers. - B. MOTIONS TO DISJ:HSS The grounds of the motions to dismiss include: (1) the federal defendants• claim that the plaintiffs 6. 0647
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415 motion granted Case allowing 17-2273, action Document to be maintained 71, 11/22/2017, as a 2179151, class action Page66 - of 215 certified 2017-07-24 doc 1 (2) the state and private defend2nts' claim that the plaintiffs have failed to exha8st federal, state and city c:ts EiE~~c-t. ic;x~:. t.h at: L.1-Jc ir1cli 'f j_6l1-~~ 1 IJ J a _·I 11 i:.: j_ f f s 1 ·dC }(. stand insJ ; that. the Stc:cte Dep.::;rtment. of La.boT J.C:> from su.'t.t,: and (6) their assertion that the complaint fails to state 3/ .c: ..... : '"j ~ ~ - •• -'- -!.,.