The Percy Program

It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.

4 years ago

Percy Action

Fire Safety and

Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness ............................................................................... 75 American Heart Association First Aid, CPR with AED ......................................................... 76 Enforcement of smoking prohibitions ..................................................................................... 76 Environmental Training Lead - Renovation, Repair and Painting Class .......................... 76 Mold and Bacteria Remediation ............................................................................................... 76 Blood Borne Pathogens .............................................................................................................. 76 Lead Worker EPA ........................................................................................................................ 77 Asbestos Handler ......................................................................................................................... 77 Apprentice Wages ........................................................................................................................ 77 XVIII. COMPONENTS OF THE PERCY PROGRAM ...................................... 78 XIX. REGULATORY APPROVALS OF PERCY PROGRAM ......................... 82 XX. NUMEROSITY ...................................................................................... 85 XXI. COMMON ISSUES OF LAW AND FACT ............................................. 86 XXII. JUDICIAL ECONOMY .......................................................................... 86 XXIII. AS AND FOR A FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION AGAINST DEFENDANT GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ............................................................................................ 86 XXIV. AS AND FOR A SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION AGAINST DEFENDANT GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ............................................................................................ 87 XXV. AS AND FOR A THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION AGAINST DEFENDANT GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ............................................................................................ 87 XXVI. AS AND FOR A FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION AGAINST DEFENDANT GOVERNMENT AGENCIES and OFFICE OF FEDERAL CONTRACT COMPLIANCE 88 XXVII. AS AND FOR A FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION AGAINST DEFENDANT GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ............................................................................................ 89 XXVIII. AS AND FOR A SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION AGAINST ORISKA INSURANCE AND ORISKA CORPORATION ................................................................ 90 XXIX. RELIEF ................................................................................................. 91 ix

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ALBERT E. PERCY, Plaintiff, -against- ANDREW M. CUOMO as Governor of the State of New York; STATE OF NEW YORK; ROBERTA REARDON as Commissioner of the New York State Department of Labor); NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR; CRAIG E. LEEN as Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, OFFICE OF FEDERAL CONTRACT COMPLIANCE; Defendants from SDNY 73-cv-04279, EUGENE SCALIA as United States Secretary of Labor; THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR; BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL OF GREATER NEW YORK, NEW YORK BUILDING; AND CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY BOARD OF URBAN AFFAIRS FUND, NEW YORK PLAN FOR TRAINING, INC., nominal Defendants previously named as Defendants in SDNY 73-cv- 04279, as their interests may now appear, JOHN MERCADO, MANUEL MEJIA, FIGHT BACK, and NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE, nominal Defendants previously named Plaintiffs in SDNY 73-cv- 04279, as their interests may appear, ORISKA INSURANCE COMPANY and ORISKA CORPORATION, Defendants. THE APPRENTICE that never was COMPLAINT ` CASE#: A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL ACTION Plaintiff, Albert E. Percy, by and through his attorney, James M. Kernan, Esq., of the Kernan Professional Group, LLP, as and for its 1

Alternative Employment Practice Percy Program