It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.
This safety course has been designed to provide instruction on various occupational safety and health standards. Course Content: OSHA policies, procedure and standards, as well as construction safety and health principles. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA construction standards with a special emphasis on those areas that are most hazardous. This course is recommended for construction supervisory personnel. OSHA 10 Permit-Required Confined Space Entry: This course is designed to enable students to recognize, evaluate, control and abate safety and health hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry. The course focuses on the specific requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146. Course Content: Recognition of confined space hazards, basic information about instrumentation used to evaluate atmospheric hazards, and general permit space ventilation techniques. Upon completion, you will be certified for 'Confined Space Entry' work. OSHA Ergonomics: This course Covers the use of ergonomic principles to prevent musculoskeletal disorders. Topics include anthropometry, video display terminals, work physiology, musculoskeletal disorders and risk factors such as vibration, temperature, material handling, repetition and lifting and transfers in health care. The course features industrial case studies covering analysis and design of work stations and equipment, laboratory sessions in manual lifting and coverage of current OSHA compliance policies. OSHA Excavation, Trenching and Soil Mechanics: OHSA standard and on safety aspects of excavation and trenching. Students are introduced to practical soil mechanics and its relationship to the stability of shored and un-shored slopes and walls of excavations. Various types of shoring (wood timbers and hydraulic) are covered. OSHA 7600 Disaster Site Worker: Increase the participant's awareness of the safety and health hazards, including CBRNE agents that may be encountered at a natural or human made disaster site. The importance of respiratory and other personal protective equipment and proper decontamination procedures that may be used to mitigate the hazards will be emphasized. Participants will support the use of an Incident Command System through the safe performance of their job responsibilities. They will be able to show awareness of effects of traumatic incident stress that can result from working conditions and measures to reduce this stress. In addition, participants will be able to perform the following specific tasks correctly: 1) inspection of an air purifying respirator; 2) donning and doffing of an air purifying respirator; and 3) respirator user seal check. The audience for this course is Disaster Site Workers who provide skilled support services (e.g. 20 | Page
utility, demolition, debris removal, or heavy equipment operation) or site cleanup services in response to a disaster. OSHA 2225 Respiratory Protection: covers the requirements for the establishment, maintenance, and monitoring of a respirator program. Topics include terminology, OSHA standards, NIOSH certification and medical evaluation recommendations. Course highlights include laboratories on respirator selection, qualitative fit testing and the use of a large array of respiratory and support equipment for hands on training (Included Respiratory Medical Clearance Test and Respiratory Mask Fit Test) OSHA 3110 Fall Arrest Systems: provide the participants with an overview of state of the art technology for fall protection and current OSHA requirements, including the principles of fall protection, the components of fall arrest systems, the limitations of fall arrest equipment, and OSHA policies regarding fall protection. Course Objectives: Identify various types of fall protection and their components; Recognize fall hazards and identify abatement methods for fall hazards; Define the proper use of fall protection equipment and personal fall arrest systems; Select proper standards for citation purposes. OSHA 10 General Industry: intended to provide entry level general industry workers information about their rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint as well as how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job related hazards on a job site. The training covers a variety of general industry safety and health hazards which a worker may encounter. Training should emphasize hazard identification, avoidance, control and prevention, not OSHA. OSHA Scaffold: designed to provide instructions on various construction industry safety and health standards. It introduces workers to safety standards and makes them able to recognize hazards, avoid dangerous situations and prevent accidents. Course Content: Intro to OSHA, fall protection, electricity, personal protective equipment , handling, storage, use and disposal of tools. Each participant who completes the course will receive a certificate of completion and OSHA card. Department of Building Courses: Site Safety Manager Refresher Course is designed for qualified construction professionals interested in registering as construction superintendents with NYC Department of Buildings. 21 | Page