The Percy Program

It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.

3 years ago

Percy Program alternative employment practice, an IRC 501(c)(3) non-profit

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  • Percy
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  • Apprenticeship
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  • Employment

created a database of

created a database of occupational health and safety for predictive analysis that couples wearable safety technology, building information modeling (BIM), and the latest in immersive virtual reality training. This platform (the HCS platform) shall enable employers and workers to reduce injuries, improve operational efficiency, and generate industry-specific real-time data. The HCS platform shall consist of integrated wearables-based platform that visualizes biometrics, work patterns, and real-time locations of workers and equipment in an intuitive 3D map of the job site. Safe VR (virtual realty) in a highly immersive VR training platform that augments existing OSHA-mandated safety programs. Data shall be able to be aggregated and analyzed, enabling continuous refinement of sector-specific hardware and software systems to compile accurate health and safety data, creating an industrystandard in safety. The platform shall utilize safety administration application for mobile phones of workers and supervisors that monitor onsite presence, centralizes worker training and certification management, and facilitates group communication, worker onboarding, certification management, Learning Management Service compliance, Safety Knowledge Management System, 2-way messaging, Safety training videos on mobile devices. Weather alerts, Ad-hoc risk identification, wearable sensor-enabled technology platform that provides real-time locationing, biometrics, and motion and environmental data, generate incident warnings, and powers predictive analytics engine. Data collected by Safe Site sensors can be combined with 3rd party data to increase the functionality and resolution of the platform, Real-time worker location, 3D spatialization, Geo-fencing with justin-time alerts, Tap/click to view worker status, Risk Management System, Machine Learning/Telemetry-based risk, identification, Quantifiable insights, Site safety planning and simulation, virtual reality training platform based on OSHA-mandated curriculum and insights gained, reproduce practical training in a virtual environment with particular emphasis on tasks or scenarios that are difficult to prepare for in a real-world environment, customizable scenarios and environments to match worksite conditions, quantitative feedback with performance analytics, digital -enabled solutions that make workplaces safer, smarter, and more efficient, reduce deaths and injuries while increasing the efficiency of worksite safety programs that target quantifiable outcomes to Improve worker safety culture, reduce worker injuries and lower direct and indirect costs from worksite accidents (medical costs, out-of-work time, fraudulent claims, site shutdowns, fines, reputational damage, Increase the efficacy of safety training through virtual reality (VR) based training programs modeled off OSHA requirements, Improve and streamline safety administration. Qualified network of strategic partners permit scalability of products, build technology, and leverage distribution channels, A multi-dimensional product suite that addresses safety in a holistic fashion addressing education, prevention, reinforcement, and prediction providing a solution along the entire project life-cycle, from design to execution, a uniquely constructed to and predictive analytics platform that combines otherwise unstructured and uncorrelated data sets into concise and actionable insights (e.g. correlating worker-specific motion capture with weather data and workers compensation 28 | Page

claims history). Combined Fire Safety and Emergency Action Plans Safety Equipment Training according to OSHA guidelines, which outline precautions that must be undertaken to ensure the safe demolition of a building and preventing tragedies like the recent building collapse. Example demolition guidelines include: Prior to starting all demolition operations, OSHA requires that an engineering survey of the structure must be conducted by a competent person. All electric, gas, water, steam, sewer, and other services lines should be shut off, capped, or otherwise controlled before demolition work is started Prior to starting work, provisions should be made for prompt medical attention in case of serious injury. The telephone numbers of the local police, ambulance, and fire departments should be available at each job site A "fire plan" should be set up prior to beginning a demolition job. Prior to the blasting of any structure or portion thereof, a complete written survey must be made by a qualified person of all adjacent improvements and underground utilities. Safety plans and programs Site safety plans Prepared Filed with DOB Fire safety plans Health and safety plans Site and task specific plans Safety training which meets: DOB Mandated Training OSHA Mandated Training DEP Mandated Environmental Training OSHA Training HAZWOPER 29 | Page

Alternative Employment Practice Percy Program