The Percy Program

It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.

3 years ago

Percy Program alternative employment practice, an IRC 501(c)(3) non-profit

  • Text
  • Percy
  • Workers
  • Compensation
  • Apprenticeship
  • Osha
  • Assessment
  • Coverage
  • Items
  • Programs
  • Employment


Claims Handling: Third Party Administrator (TPA). Coordinate claims handling processes, procedures and activities of the owner, contractors, insurance carriers and TPAs. Conduct claims reserve analysis and negotiate claims issues with insurance carrier adjusters. Conduct quarterly claims review meetings with the owner, insurance carrier and TPA. Claims Reporting and Procedures: Create and maintain a comprehensive claims reporting system to track and manage all claims. Develop and maintain a Claims Management Procedures Manual. Monitor claims activity and issue monthly claims status reports which will be reviewed. Medical Case Management: Identify and recommend a designated treatment facility for injured workers. Develop and implement an effective restricted duty and return to work program (including the training and communication of same to all participants). Provide recommendations for medical costs containment and other methods for reducing claims and claims cost. Reserve Analysis: Perform loss reserve analysis and provide loss forecasting. Quarterly Claims Review: The Program will actively manage claims, provide a quarterly claims review with the owner and staff of the Employer. Advise the owner on coverage application to specific claims. Assist the owner in coordinating. Implementation of Workers Compensation Insurance and Surety Bonding Programs Insurance Carrier Marketing and Selection: Identify financially sound insurance carriers that are capable of providing the Workers Compensation and Surety Bonding, provide specifications for coverage to the market, and follow up with meetings and information as appropriate, provide an analysis of the carrier quotes, including a matrix of comparisons. It will also be the responsibility of the Program to: Assure that insurance policies are placed with reputable and financially responsible insurers whose expertise is demonstrable. 48 | Page

Check the wording and accuracy of each policy, binder, certificate endorsement or other document received from insurers and obtain revisions in such documents when needed. Prepare, provide and distribute a manual to all participating parties. The Manual should include a detailed coverage summary with identification of any significant exclusions or limitations. Responsibilities, procedures, forms and protocols will be included. Review Language for Project Specifications: Review contract language and procedures and risk transfer implications, prior to incorporation into the bid documents and Manual before issuance. Payment of Premiums and Remuneration: Payment of all insurance premiums and charges will be through a licensed agent; and will be exclusive of any commission (direct, contingent or otherwise), overrides, or other financial considerations. All refunds or credits for insurance will accrue directly to the Owner. The Program will verify the accuracy of all rates and premiums charged. Coordinate Insurer Audit Activities: The program shall verify the accuracy of all invoices, bills, audits, and premium adjustments, conduct internal audits to insure that all appropriate insurance costs and deductible expenses are being addressed in progress payments or other process as is appropriate. Check policies, endorsements, and other documents received from insurance carriers for accuracy. 49 | Page

Alternative Employment Practice Percy Program