It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.
1977-02-01; A Fleisher to Hon Lasker- Proposed Reg State and State Assisted Construction Contracts - certified 2017-08-09-1 doc 1 STATE OF NEw YORK EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT NW YORK STATE DIVISION Ol' HUl'"tAN RIGHTS NOTICE OF PROPOSED AGENCY ACTION RELATiNG TO REGULATIONS FOR CONTRACT COHPUANCE Pursuant to the provHuons of the State AdministratJve l'rocedure Act (Chaptet· 82 of the ConfJolidated Lar, Section 295.5 and Executive Order No 1;5 Oanuar·y 4, 1977). In order to implement Executive Order No. 45 (.J
1977-02-01; A Fleisher to Hon Lasker- Proposed Reg State and State Assisted Construction Contracts - certified 2017-08-09-1 doc 1 ,. REGULATIONS OF THE CCMviiSSIONER OF THE STATE DIVISION OF Hu'M.AN RIGHTS PURSUANT' 'I() EX&:.'U'l'IVE ORDER NO. 45 (1977) FOR STl\:TE N'ID S'I'ATE-ASSIS'l'ED ffiNSTRDCriON CONTRACIS 0825