The Percy Program

It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.

4 years ago

Settlement Executive Order 45 (9 NYCRR 3.45) Docket 103 17-2273, Appendix 2, Volume 4, pages 823, 851 and 860

  • Text
  • Certified
  • Lasker
  • Contractor
  • Regulations
  • Contracts
  • Minority
  • Fleisher
  • Assisted
  • Affirmative
  • Subcontractor
  • Settlement
  • Nycrr
  • Docket
  • Appendix
  • Volume

1977-02-01; A Fleisher

1977-02-01; A Fleisher to Hon Lasker- Proposed Reg State and State Assisted Construction Contracts - certified 2017-08-09-1 doc 1 (E) Disseminate the ELO policy extemally by informing and discussing it with all recruitnent sources; by advertising in news m:~dia, s:pecifically including minority news rreclia; and hy notifying and discussing it with all subcontractors and suppliers. (F') Make specific recruit.rrent efforts directed at all minority organizations, trade schools, second~ ary schools, minority recruitrr-ent organizations and minority training organizations, within tJ1e cuntractor' s recruitnent area. (G) Cont.inually inventor_{ and evaluate all minority and female :personnel for promotion opp::lTtlmities and encourage minority a1·1d fe.:.mle employees to seek such op}:X)rtuni ties. (H) tviak:e certain that all facilities and company activities are non-segregated. (I) Actively a'1d affinratively solicit b.ids for subcontracts from clisadv&'> taged subcont.ractors engaged in the trades covered by these provisions, including circulation of minority cont.ractor associations, and maintain records of these efforts. > ; 4. Trainees (A) Where practical, trainees sha1l be employed and said trainees shall be n.::gistcred in ar. on-thejob training program approved by an agency of the Sta·te of New York, a local unit of ·governrrent or the federal govenurent. The number of t.raining . positions and le.ngth of traininq periods shall be set forth in tl1e affirrrative action program. (B) In the event tl1at the hours of trainee utilization are less t.'Lan required the contractor's c'O!lfJe.nsation will be decreased by an anount equal to the wages and fringe benefits which would have been paid to b'1e trainees had they teen 8.-rployed, at a rate to that of first term trainees. (C) Entry wage rates shall be not. less than the wages and fringe benefits paid to apprentices in a registered apprenticeship program in that occupation and lal:or area or: 1 if no such regi.sten:-0 procJram exists, not less t.han 50 percent of jo).lmeyman 's wages and fringe benefits. Increments in wage rates shall be - 8 - 0834

1977-02-01; A Fleisher to Hon Lasker- Proposed Reg State and State Assisted Construction Contracts - certified 2017-08-09-1 doc 1 at least as frequent, and in sud1 aTIDunts, as for registered apprentices, or, vmere there i.s no apprentice program, consiste.nt -v;ith the practice in the industry for new entrants. (D) The c..·ontractor and subcontractor shall ai:terrpt to -provide continuous employrrent for trainees after the corr:pletion of the contract, tD enable them to complete their c:ourse of, training. (E) J~e contractor and subcontractor shall refer, recomrrend and sponsor for union rrerrr....ership any of-its trainees who can perform the duties of a qualified journeyman or who have been certified by the training program as having successfully conpleted the course of training. Such trainees shall lJe paid full journeyrran wages a'1d frinqe benefits wnether or not union rrenbership is granted after such referral, recanmendation or sponsorship. (F) Where a State or State-assisted c:on-tract. is ~~rfol~d in the geographic area of a local governrrent which administers an on-the-job training program in the building and construction trades, tJ1e contractor shall participate in such program. ) , 5. ~~nority and Fernale (Sub) Contractors and Busi1·1esses. (A) LVery contractor and State-assisted applica'lt a\varded a construction contract in excess of 0,000 shall, where practical, mike gcod fai t:h effort.s to ut.ilize fenule and minority (sub} contractors and businesses in the per£orrr._"'>J1Ce o.f the contract and in the p:rocuren~nt of c~nstruction and related materials, as wen as in the ancillary services required durinq c..~nst:ruction. (B) ·r::very such contractor and applicant shall notify the contracting agenC'J mat it has tin-ely solicited at least t..r1ose qualifie..i rninori ty ente,rprises listed by the State Department of Connerce, Office of J:.tinority Business Ent.erprise, and by the local Regional Office of tJ1e United State Sm."lll Business Administration and shall report, in such form as required by the ascc, the results of such efforts." "(c) General L In the event a contractor or subcontractor ""no has received an exenll:ltion in accordance -v;ith Article V ceased to participate in a ne9otiated affimative action plan approved by the Comnissioner of Huma.n 0835

Alternative Employment Practice Percy Program