It is a fight to level the playing field to be able to compete for jobs and careers on the basis of skills and make available apprentice training to all. In 1973 Al Percy launched a class action lawsuit to give workers like him a chance to better their lot in life. It would also ensure the availability of skilled workers to build the infrastructure of the future.
1974-05-24; Filed pltffs notice to take deposition of E Lattimer- certified 2017-10-04-2 doc 6 Mayor-City Administra.t.or pursc1ant to Executive Order 71 (other than materials relating to compliance reports or reviews by specific contractors). (2) One copy of contra.ct r·eli9.ting to a construet.ion project (as that term is defined :[r: th€ Rules and Hegulations, pursuant to Executive Order 71 §§l(a) .~ (d) [.Nel'.' York City Record, 7/14/74]) and the affirmative action program submitted by the ·· contracto.r. obtaining such contract awarded, let or approved by the New York City Housing Authority since July 19, 1973. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NO'l'ICE that, in the event that such deposition is not completed on the 31st day of Hay, 1974, such ·deposition may be continued from day to day until such time as it is completed. Yours.. S:!S: .• , Dated: New York, Ne1v York ~lay 23, 1974 DENNIS R. YEJI,GER ISA.BEI..LB I\ATZ PINZLEH. DIANA H. GF.EENE 423 \'Jest ll8th Street New York, New York 10027 TO! Paul Curran, United States Attornev Att'n: Joel B. Harris, Ass't U.S. At.torney United States Courthouse Foley Square New York, New York l0D07 Louis J. Le.fkowi tz, At.torney General of the St,"lt.e of New York Att'n: I,loyd G. Milliken, Ass't Attornev General 1'wo World-· Trade Center New York, Nevr York -2-·
1974-05-24; Filed pltffs notice to take deposition of E Lattimer- certified 2017-10-04-2 doc 6 Walter M. Coll"'ran, Esq. Dore.n, Colleran, O'Hara, Pollio & Dunne, P.C. 1140 Avenue of the Americas Ne·w- York, New· York 10036 Robert G. Benisch, Esq. Berman, Paley, Goldstein & Berman 500 Fifth Avenue New York, New York Robert J. .l?'ink, Esq. French, Fink, Markle & McCallion 110 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 Marshall H. Harris, Esq. United States Department of Labor 14th and Constitution V
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-08; Filed Memorandum #41415
1974-11-14; Filed Order to Show Cau
1974-11-14; Filed Order to Show Cau
1974-11-14; Order To Show Cause by
1974-11-14; Order To Show Cause by
1974-11-14; Order To Show Cause by
1974-11-18; Filed Pltffs Notice of
1974-11-18; Filed Pltffs Notice of
1974-11-18; Filed Pltffs Notice of
1974-11-19; Filed Pltffs Ex-Parte M
1974-11-19; Filed Pltffs MOL in sup
1974-11-19; Filed Pltffs MOL in sup
1974-11-19; Filed Pltffs MOL in sup
1974-11-22; Filed Order defts USDOL
1975-01-06; Filed transcript of rec
1975-01-06; Filed transcript of rec
1975-01-06; Filed transcript of rec
1975-01-06; Filed transcript of rec
1975-01-06; Filed transcript of rec
1975-01-06; Filed transcript of rec
1975-01-06; Filed transcript of rec
h 1975-01-06; Filed transcript of r
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1975-01-06; Filed transcript of rec
1975-01-06; Filed transcript of rec
1975-01-06; Filed transcript of rec
1975-01-13; Filed Order from USCA (
1975-02-24-02-25; Filed 1\llemo & O
1975-04-23; Filed Transcript of Rec
.__ 1'I/~-U4-23; Filed Transcript o
1975-04-23; Filed Transcript of Rec
1976-07-14; Filed Order- Order of2-
1976-12-15; Filed Order that Order
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec
1977-07-12; Filed Transcript of Rec